The definition of man has to be rewritten in modern context. Man vs. Male prepares us to anticipate the traditional theory that the males were supposed to accomplish all duties related with finance. They were known to be strict and more disciplined than their spouses. The time has come to turn to the other side of this perception made by our society when our women are earning more than their brothers and life partners. The saying of holy scriptures that both male and female are beautiful creation of God has to be deeply establish in our patriarchal society.
The educate women today want a co-operating and
understanding glimpse from her partner. That does not bother that your parents
did not give such atmosphere in your childhood and growing years. When you
rebel to past views of making a career so why hindering behind in adopting new
traits of our mature man picture. This realization can erase the situations of
violence in work place by male colleagues to their female colleagues. A
responsible man emerges into a real male and accomplish his duty of a son,
husband, father and an employee in a perfect manner. Just get out of irrelevant
theories and get access to new concept of Man vs. male.
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