Friday, May 28, 2021

What change is coming with the efforts of Dondre Whitfield

The words of celebrities can bring a huge difference in the mind-set of common people. Like Dondre Whitfield; who has a large fan following in his renowned acting career. He has merged learnings of his acting career into great creative works. These expressions have been solutions for many in relate to their personal relationships and professional struggle. He discuss a serious issue in his book- Male vs Man that our men want to get married with educated girls so they must develop an educated ethic within them.

He further explains that earning for bread and butter does not accomplish the duties of our male members. Nearness to the male members for the growing boys is a good initiate to develop his personality. They must teach of responsibility along with an effort for academic excellence. This can help the society to deal with rapes and domestic violence situation. We are educating our girls but boys are walking on the same traditional track. Dondre Whitfield expressions carry more weightage than movement of feminism and patricidal societies.


Information about combating challenges in Black Male Programs

You must be reading and watching news of challenges faced by black male and female students around the globe. Black Male Programs is an initiate to set them high among all hassles that are stopping them to be a real dynamic personality within. When one listens to the struggle of Dondre Whitfield and Benny Pough, life gets on a new mission to find the constructive ways to your destination. These conferences, speeches and meetings promotes brotherhood and develops leaders through academic success, personal growth, professional development, and self-responsibility. 

The new generation remains occupied with gadgets and devices. Hence, some seniors of the black community felt the need to create awareness on cultural heritage, respective of the entire African Diaspora. It is a pivotal time for young adults while learning the new tactics of being independent and adopting new critical thinking skills. Black Male Programs are open to anyone who has interest in understanding the combating challenges facing by African-American males in today’s society.


Friday, May 21, 2021

Make our males; a real man: Donald Whitfield

It looks nice when our celebrities come down to aware people about our noble duties. People have crush on them and celebrity like Dondre Whitfield turn this fame into life-changing formula for the masses. He further explains that a male is not just supposed to earn for the bread and butter of the family. The theory for modern time manhood is totally different from our traditional patriarchal theory.

Mothers think that closeness of a growing boy with a senior male member is more than sufficient for his development. It is rubbish that no one in the family thinks for a moment that what they want. Putting everyone in one ancestral frame is not appropriate in changing world. Earning and be independent is one of the qualities of male but they should not transfer and anger to their family members for providing all comforts. If moral values are imbibed in our sons and brothers then there would not be a rape incident in our society. People like
Dondre Whitfield can minimize the ratio of increasing divorces in our societies.




Deep meaning of Man vs. Male

Man and male are two concepts about the personality of our male population. The society has been calling every male person; a man after his adulthood but Man vs. Male is a deep analysis about the traits, attitude, and respect for women surrounding you. It’s being decades that senior male persons play the role of strict member to sustain discipline in the family. This attitude in current times can create clashes in our families. Our ladies are highly educated and aware about their rights. When they are earning more than their life-partner so dominating with the financial part have no space here. Both have to respect each other.

The dream that you are looking for your society will be a real experience if you start educating your boys to equalize with home duties just like their sister. They must be given task to care their parents during their illness. It is in every home that girls are expected to care their parents and their husband and in-laws later on after the marriage. How cans a single woman can take care of her in-laws, do her office job, cook food and help children in doing homework. Men mean those male persons who understand their responsibilities and help their partners in taking load of family duties. Man vs. Male carries this deep meaning that all of us must take time to understand.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

What you want from your man?

For “generations” male vs man has been discussing in our society but a true revelation has experienced now with our wise authors and celebrities. They say that we are encouraging our women to be educated and independent so men must be taught to have a broad-minded behavior standard with them. The empowerment of both men and women develops a society and henceforth the nation. It is a right of every man to decide what type of man he wants to be.


One of renowned actor in Hollywood; Will smith says ‘the power of healing childhood trauma is essential when you are working towards reaching your higher self.’ It is necessary to focus on all aspects of becoming a man whether it is good or bad. Whatever sounds good for one may turn bad for another. An average decision cannot be suitable to all. Usually, we educate our girls to manage their rooms and organize books and toys at right place and give excuse that boys are careless by nature. That behavior have to be changed urgently; it sew the seed of putting responsibility on other’s shoulders. You must have seen that men are preferring to marry a working girl and shift duty of  bringing up their children to their parents. Many men never hire any maid though double income is coming at home. Male vs. man reinvent small behavior into big changes.

Establishing peace and shattering stereotypes : Dondre Whitfield

The real meaning of life accomplishes when we love to serve what was denied in our growing years. Dondre Whitfield is serving that same passion to all his readers and fans of his acting style. His acting career has widened his thoughts towards all needs of becoming a true man in this educated society. He feels that ways to bring up sons have to be changed instantly. It does not suit to our ambitious women.


As flowing river leaves all dust behind; similarly we have to shed off our old patriarchal standards and give more space to our spouses. That does not value how you earn and provide luxuries to your family if you don’t spend time with them. The money can never take the place of time. Debilitating myths, reversing the negative trends, shattering stereotypes is extremely important to establish peace in our homes. He further explains that rudimentary appealing tasks are essentialities to change our society. We can’t shift our sight from these burning issues of our society. Dondre Whitfield asks all men to discover from their childhood what they want to heal to grow in life.






Friday, May 7, 2021

Adopt new traits of a modern and mature man

The definition of man has to be rewritten in modern context. Man vs. Male prepares us to anticipate the traditional theory that the males were supposed to accomplish all duties related with finance. They were known to be strict and more disciplined than their spouses.  The time has come to turn to the other side of this perception made by our society when our women are earning more than their brothers and life partners. The saying of holy scriptures that both male and female are beautiful creation of God has to be deeply establish in our patriarchal society.

The educate women today want a co-operating and understanding glimpse from her partner. That does not bother that your parents did not give such atmosphere in your childhood and growing years. When you rebel to past views of making a career so why hindering behind in adopting new traits of our mature man picture. This realization can erase the situations of violence in work place by male colleagues to their female colleagues. A responsible man emerges into a real male and accomplish his duty of a son, husband, father and an employee in a perfect manner. Just get out of irrelevant theories and get access to new concept of Man vs. male.



Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Explore your humble trait with Dondre Whitfield

There are many incidents in the history of man that a single man turned the perception of billions with its renewed agreement and explanation to his/her new idea. Dondre Whitfield belongs to same change bringing personality groups. Though he has experienced heavy success in his acting career but his moral valued has made him stay grounded. He is sharing his values and new needs to define a man. Earlier ladies were less educated and confined to their household duties and bringing up children but now following same manly behavior with our educated ladies is an open invitation to bring conflicts in your personal relations.

Every man must learn to think beyond an average set-up established by our fore-fathers. Many single women feel that it is hard to develop manly traits in their son but this new definition guides us to be far from macho image of our males. An individual prospective have to give attention and later relevant developing traits must be taught by setting an atmosphere in the family. The modern generation is an observer so parents and elder brother and father set an example rather than pouring their own unfulfilled wishes. Is it sound interesting going through this new definition of man by our Dondre Whitfield.




Learn to go for real change with Dondre Whitfield

Dondre Whitfield offers the ideas and resources that are affecting change. He put a point to get excel in whatever you do. No solutions are...