Thursday, April 29, 2021

Learn a new theory about a man from Donald Whitfield

Dondre Whitfield is presenting new theories for a modern time manhood.  A male is not supposed to earn for bread and butter and expect his wife and sister to behave like elder women in the family. When man want to get married with educated girls so they must develop an educated ethic within them. He further explains that boys are brought up while providing nearness to male members in the family. No one dares to know what the little boy wants from them. Putting everyone in one ancestral frame is not appropriate in changing world.

Earning for a family and providing luxury items is not a bad thing but our boys must be taught to respect women other than their mother and sister. That ethic developed during growing years helps a lot in offices. Women can work in a protected atmosphere. The principle of equality has to be in growing years rather than feminism and patricidal concepts of our society. It is a nice initiate by Donald Whitfield to unite all the Americans on his belief of difference being a male and man.




New definition of Male vs. Man

The meaning of man has to define in a new manner. Male vs. Man deals with this crucial aspect of the society that is putting impact to everyone around the globe. Since immemorial times; men are brought up to be an earner and be a strict person to sustain discipline in the family. This thought was acute when our ladies were assigned with household duties and bringing up their children. Now many women are earning more than their life-partner so dominating with the financial part has no space here. Both have to respect each other.

Our society will become a live able place when boys are taught to equalize with home duties just like their sister. They must be given task to care their parents during their illness. Usually, girls are expected to care their parents and their husband and in-laws later on after the marriage. Every male member is assigned with two duties on his personal platform- care of his parents and the girl whom he is marrying. It is foolish to expect a role of good husband and father from a man who haven’t cared his parents. Male vs. Man explains that these tasks are not mathematical formulas that can be taught in words. A small responsibly to every man in his growing years makes him a real male in his adulthood.




Friday, April 23, 2021

Revive your personality with views of Donald Whitfield

Donald Whitfield presents a new look to your role of a husband, father and relationship coach. He believes that manhood is more than a code of behaviour and standards. His words shatter the stereotypes completely. His conversations motivate our males to give quality time to their family and parents. Earning bread and butter is not accomplishment of a male’s duty. It is a good move to facilitate a healthy shift in communication and mutual understanding between the two sexes.

He understands that past experiences of an individual put hindrance to accept new changes.His upcoming release shows how faith serves as the divine model. You can watch his different roles in his movies. It shows how faith serves as the divine model for manhood. His preparation to bring authenticity in his roles expose the debilitating myths, reverse the negative trends. His latest book Male vs Man explores new meaning to the duties and passions of our boys and adult male in our family. Just look at the works of Donald Whitfield, it will give a new meaning to revive your personality and look differently to your society.

A real realization : Man vs Male

Man vs Male may make you confused because our society is accepting every male; a man. It is not appropriate when our ladies are highly-educated and term them equal with their male counterparts. You have to accept the essentiality of responsibility that your forefathers were lacking. Few years back, boys were brought up with a teaching that there would be wife will take care of them. It was a step to teach your ward to lift your responsibility to others. That time, women used to ignore their children and attend in-laws more. Now our mothers are mentor to their children.

This move can helps us to deal with rape problems and increasing rate of broken homes. A dose of responsibility the hearts of our boys have to be dipped in virtues of humbleness, work for humanity. There is no need to become a public figure to bring change in the society. You can bring change in your homes and that will change our society with a right reason behind it. Make aware masses about the importance of regular prayer. Man vs Male is a real realization to be a balanced personality disregard of situations and goals.





Friday, April 16, 2021

Experience healthy shift in relationships with Dondre Whitfield

The society has made some norms for females and males. The time is changing at fast pace and living our life on such norms exactly is not possible. Dondre Whitfield felt the need to aware all of us about the shortcomings in the upbringing of male child. He further explains that anthropological male priorities do not accomplish the requirements of becoming a true male to your family, friends, relatives and office staff. The seed of responsibility has to be sown during growing years. Such efforts can help our society to erase the problem of female feticide and rape.


Men are not taught moral values. They are taught to get married with educated girls and expect their spouses to behave as old ladies in the family used to do. That contradiction gives birth to family conflicts and affects the growing years of a child. He believes in activation of our academic knowledge and not just gathering huge degrees to be called a literate person.  How our women are facing challenges in regard to new approach on relationships. Frankly speaking, Dondre Whitfield presents a healthy shift in communication between the both sexes.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Feel a new courage with black male programs

Black Male Programs are based on the realization fact that the crimes, violence can't be corrected with the protection forces. Our society believes that every man must have a vision. The Lord who have showered infinite blessing on us has to known to everyone. Such programs build a path where people love to be dipped in virtues of humbleness, work for humanity.


It is the philosophy hidden in our understanding that when we get informed about the real purpose of life then sorrow appeals to us an integrated part of our life. Such realization always continues to be a balanced personality disregard of situations and goals. That develops a clear purpose statement with measurable goals. Come and be a part of new beginning for you. Black male programs intend to increase, encourage, and support the inclusion and educational success on male identifying students of color, particularly African American Males (AAM).






Become a part of welfare fraternity with Men's ministry

Men’s ministry is a vital factor for the growth of Christianity. People are going to more distance with the divine power and engaging with eccentric jungle of gadgets.You become a public figure to make aware masses about the importance of regular prayer. We all remain busy and aspire for success but forget that the real success starts with spending few minutes to the power that has given us precious human life.

You will be trained to learn the purpose, essential guidelines, focusing on relationships and not programs. Even your personal life statements will show dose of spirituality. The duty as a brother, a family member will be covered in a wrap of welfare. You are given responsibility to equip people and grow the Kingdom. It is not immense to say that such preparations on the right track, facilitates the making of godly men determined to keep their promises and commitments. Men’s ministry transmits your personality into an ecclesiastical figure like Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.





Learn to go for real change with Dondre Whitfield

Dondre Whitfield offers the ideas and resources that are affecting change. He put a point to get excel in whatever you do. No solutions are...